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Great Schools Jobs Prospects

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The education industry is considered the second largest in the United States and schools jobs are expected to increase in the coming years for all types and at most levels. The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics estimated around 13.5 million jobs were created by the industry in 2008 alone. From that same year until 2018, employment in schools is expected to jump by 12 percent, 1 percent higher of projected increase than that of all other industries combined for the same timeline.

Finding great jobs in schools should not be difficult as retirements and increased enrollments from all types of schools from both children and adults across the US is expected to create more job openings from various levels. Almost half the education industry is comprised of teaching positions, but a number of other school work will still be available for people interested to work in a learning environment.

Another important aspect that leads to the good employment prospects for this industry is the recognized need to improve and develop the educational system to a higher level in the country that will make it attractive to more people, especially professionals who will be looking at acquiring new skills and knowledge that they can apply at work or use to advance in their employment positions. The country's increasing number of young population entering schools is one other significant factor.

The growth of the industry will also mean that jobs in schools will not be limited to teaching positions alone, but for all other schools jobs such as administrative, secretarial, clerical, school bus drivers, maintenance people, teacher assistants, school counselors, librarians, general services, and other non-teaching positions. Teachers account for around 47 percent of the employees in the same 2008 research study and the rest as non-teaching.

Teaching positions for the greater part will grow in post-secondary schools, elementary, and middle school grades where student enrollments are expected to significantly increase. School system improvements to accommodate more people at various levels and specialties will also contribute to more school work in levels such as pre-schools, kindergarten, vocational education, adult literacy and remedial education for non-English speaking students, out-of-school youths and adults; self-enrichment teachers, and special education schools, for both young and adult students with physical or learning disabilities, will significantly allow more people to go for a school career.

The only slow growth projections that will likely happen will be at the secondary school level and which school work will be affected for those employed at this level. The stagnancy or slower enrollment will make employment for both teaching and non-teaching positions at this level may stay at average.

Applicants for various teaching positions who wish to make their school career will be required the relevant bachelor's degree and teaching certification to be accepted for their desired positions. Post-secondary or graduate school professors are expected to earn similar relevant training, certifications, master's degree, while others have the option to earn a doctorate for higher-ranked teaching positions or more specialized coursework.

Administrative positions which are commonly held by former teachers who already earned their teaching certifications are mostly master's degree holders while a few have doctorate degrees and other specialized trainings such as psychology for school counselors.

Schools jobs in 2008 had higher median annual wages compared to other jobs of similar level in other industries. Postsecondary teachers had $61,500 as compared to other industries' $61,360. Secondary school teachers, with the exception of vocational and special education had $51,230 compared to $51,180 of all the other industries. Middle school teachers had $49,740; elementary school teachers, $49,370; and all other teachers and instructors with $30,120. Secretaries had 30,110; bus drivers, $25,710; janitors and cleaners, $25,600; office clerks, $25,180; and teacher assistants, $22,700. Looking at these figures, the growth of the industry until 2018 is expected to similarly accelerate the wages for all jobs in school.

As employment in schools look very promising both for teaching and non-teaching positions, it is recommended that applicants look through their desired positions and acquire the necessary credentials and other requirements first to be well prepared. For those looking for better or special opportunities in the education industry, online jobsites will help considerably. Location and specialty should not even be an issue as most of the available jobs are gaining good projections until now.

School work is one of the most enduring and mentally-enriching profession throughout time and looking to build that school career in the near future should be the start of a new and promising profession for you. To get your dream started, browse through online jobsites that will surely lead the way. At, it's as easy as 1-2-3. Just click on and move along our thousands of job listings, teaching or non-teaching. Choose by location or specialty or any specific position by signing up for a FREE trial! Let the site guide and show every option that will most help your dream come true!
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