What exactly is an apprenticeship?
Apprenticeship opportunities are typically found in the trade industry or other highly skilled occupations. In an apprenticeship, an untrained individual works with individuals who are skilled in the business, art form, or trade area, receiving their knowledge over a period of several years until he/she becomes proficient in the trade. Apprenticeships in trades such as construction, plumbing carpentry, and auto mechanics may be the most widely known. However, apprenticeships are found in hundreds of different occupations, including education jobs.
In educational or counselor jobs, an apprenticeship works a little differently. A teacher apprentice is usually an individual who has received the bachelor's degree. Sometimes called a teaching fellow or intern, this individual is given the chance to develop his/her skill by signing up to teach under the watchful eyes of an experienced teacher. In this manner the apprentice gains valuable classroom experience and knowledge of the education system by observing other teachers in a classroom environment
. Teaching apprentices may grade assignments, plan courses, attend discussion sessions with fellow teachers, and receive valuable feedback. Typically, an apprentice teacher has a specific mentor, or lead teacher who the apprentice reports to.
10 Places To Find Teacher Apprenticeship Programs
1. Sometimes apprenticeship teacher jobs are given to those still earning a bachelor's degree, allowing them to work and learn at the same time.
2. Private schools offer internship programs that allow individuals who have non-teaching degrees or do not yet have teaching certificates to earn a decent amount and get necessary job guidance.
3. Alternative and charter schools also offer apprenticeship opportunities, aiding individuals in understanding and guiding children with advanced skills or special needs.
4. Students earning master's degrees in teaching can also find apprenticeship opportunities within their colleges, allowing them to work with a professor. Students typically dedicate several hours each week to grading assignments, helping their professors develop the courses, and might do some minimal research related to the subjects being taught.
5. Graduate programs allow teacher apprentices one of the most hands on learning experience. Students may get to plan and lecture several weeks of courses, grade all coursework, and receive written reviews from students evaluating their performance.
6. Early childhood teachers require different skills than those who teach older students. Look to preschools for early childhood apprenticeship programs that educate you on interacting with and developing young minds.
7. Those looking for education jobs should search job advertisements for education apprentices. Assistant principal apprenticeships recruit, train, and prepare those interested on how to meet administration needs in the education system.
8. Even those in careers not related to teaching can find that counselor jobs offer opportunities to develop classroom skills and transition into training. For example, someone with a degree in engineering may want to take an apprenticeship program to teach architecture courses.
9. Summer camps and summer session teaching programs offer apprenticeships to help young teachers become role models and supervise students in various activities. Music and art programs tend to offer this option.
10. Education jobs also help develop skilled counselors. Psychology related apprenticeship programs at: health departments, schools, hospitals, and juvenile courts aid counselors in meeting the needs of youth.